Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Perth 2 etc.

ok i know, boring title for blog post, but it is necessary

haven't been on the internet properly for a while as stupid optus are are shit.
apparently the tower that i have connecting to is broken. . . so i ring optus several times over a period of about 4 days. . . every time the same thing, different person. . . then the conversation ends the same "uh yes, it looks like there is a tower down, it should be back in the next 24-48 hours. . ." fuck off. . .
and apparently it costs me every time i try to connect. . . thanks for telling me AFTER you have been getting me to "troubleshoot" by trying to connect multiple times. . .fuck off

over that

went up to school for the first time, looks pretty cool, pumped to start it off!
cool studios

hungry. . .

listening to sooner or later sung by Bernadette Peters. . . get on it!
Sondheim :)

Have only been asked for ID three times, all only to get into a bar. . .i clearly look younger than 25 guys!

this blog entry is a bit scattered. . . as is my brain atm. . . we deal with it. . .had a big night. . . was good fun. . . got a number. . . rockin'

SA opens tonight. . . wanna see it!

bought 17 again. . . zac is pretty much the coolest . . .

water in perth = chlorine

finished new song :)

feeling ill

been having weird dreams. . . friends shouldn't die in dreams or get beaten up. . . it's just not cool!
Then last night had one that ended with me sleeping, in my dream i was sleeping. . . is this saying something?!

have lost all track of time while living in Perth. I think it's something to do with no daylight savings? :P

odd sleeping patterns, nothing new

Let my roommate cut my hair. . . did a good job, i miss my long hair though...

although, received in the mail yesterday my "proof of age card" (not that i get asked for ID anyway) but it is just another one to add to the list of bad cards that I own. . .this one could probably be called the "working my way up to being a contestant on the biggest loser" I swear they made it look bad on purpose. . .

want to write a comedy/dance/poignant show. . . any ideas?

DOPPLEGANGER . . . I have not got one.
any suggestions?

being making food :) baked a pie, all is well

discovering things . . . good and bad. . . feels weird. . .


haven't lost my key

missing family and friends...
hence the pie. . .

wish i had some more insightful things this week, but my brain is currently not working properly. . .i promise to not be hungover next blog

I'm out.
