Sunday, March 7, 2010

[Title of Blog]

SOOO it's been very long since my last blog. . .sorry

Perth is still on the other side of Australia to Melbourne.
I guess I'm dealing with it.

Missing friends and family way too much.
I apologize you all for not speaking to you as much as I would to to be.

I love you all, please know this :) and always have you in my mind

So proud of Dejaneiro :D
she is beautiful and deserves it! :D yay

Was SUPER late to class last thursday. . . awkward.
Never again!

SO many postures to remember!

and how about Ballet contradicts EVERYTHING to do with singing posture?!

Enjoying classes, so much to do already.

Cab starts next week.
I have to bash someone in the final scene. . . need to embrace my inner Nazi somehow.

excited for people coming over next week! Mum and Dad :)
and Friends :)
then the weeks after that Gaysian :)

Got a job at a restaurant.
Had trial last night.
Spilt a glass of water on a patron.
Nice work there Nick Hedger...

Wow i haven't even spoken about . . . THE FLOOD

soooo here is the story...

Le housemate and I needed some clothes washed, so we put them in the washing machine.
We then left the house to go to someone's house. Hours later...
Police call me saying "your house has been flooded"
We drive home asap. . . walk in. . . the door had to be broken into by the police because "most of the times when we get reports of water coming out of the house, someone has died in the shower". . .

It was like a scene from Titanic.. . inches deep of water
I of course had all my clothes on the ground. . .wet
paperwork on the floor...wet
chargers on the floor...wet
floorboards. . . wet
you get the idea.
meanwhile, the drain that is in the bathroom to prevent things like this happening, is on a rise compared to the rest of the floor. . .nice work there builders. . .

i shouldn't say much more as we are still working out payment on damage. . .
but yes. . .FUCKED

Acoustic night was fun.

Been reading up on Steve. . . crazy life, just proves that screwed up people do make great art.

roommate sang our song, people enjoyed i think :)

Time now: late

need to shave, can't be bothered.

sleep time soon

People are confusing.

Do we believe only what we want to believe, or is that naive? or is it just smart?
only believe aspects or agree with only some aspects of what we are told?
to then create our own views on things...
that's the way to go surely?
Then it all gets twisted in our heads. . . which causes ourselves to be the confusing people, not only to others, but also to our own self. . .

did it work?

not as much time as i had hoped to be writing!

always thinking about uni

always thinking about family and friends

always thinking

putting thoughts into action is the hard part! do it!

it's time to go

for now

I'm out.


p.s please take note of my "title of show" reference as my title. . . keep your eye out for more music theatre fun. . .haha